稀缺性的无源晶振使得ECS晶振格外有优势?ECS-120-20-5PXDN-TR,There are many other results of shrinking crystals. It’s not just a simple change to the process or build. Shrinking crystals are a major transformation to the design of the oscillator. In any frequency-related circuit, this will have further repercussions. Timing solutions are complex, so it’s important to recognize that functional changes can occur when modifying design. Things to watch include:
Reduced Motional Capacitance (C1) - Also proportional to the electrode area at certain frequencies.
Trim Sensitivity (TS) - When the circuit is not adjusted, the smaller load capacitance reduces TS.
Perturbations - Deviations from ideal frequency resulting from different crystal cuts.
While there is not as much definitive information on these factors, they have been proven enough to be affected by smaller crystals to be monitored.